Token Details
Solana $WIFH Contract Specifications
Contract ID: HiY4sSc9RUeC6QrR2epkUoGNDXSoth2S6ADYEUe2gCg8
Ownership Renounced
Mint Authority
Freeze Authority
Token Extensions
Yes, Transfer Tax
Transfer Tax
Note: Contract details for other blockchains will be available during the Multichain expansion phase.
Transfer Tax Breakdown
The 3% fee applied to all on-chain transactions is crucial for sustaining the project's core functions and community benefits. It is allocated to fund token distributions as follows:
Charity Program: 0.75%
Rewards Program: 1.65%
Team Allocation: 0.60%
Note: The 3% fee will remain constant, but its distribution may be adjusted based on market needs, with updates provided to the community for any changes.
Token Allocation Overview
Vesting Contracts: Ensuring Long-Term Stability
DogWifHeart implements 4-year (48-month) locked vesting contracts for key allocations to demonstrate commitment to long-term growth:
Rewards Program
Charity Program
Team Allocation
Mission Backers Allocation
Non-Vesting Allocations
For dynamic allocations without vesting contracts (e.g., Multichain Expansion, Liquidity Reserve), DogWifHeart adheres to the Security Pillar of the PAWS Protocal:
Storing funds in secure cold storage hardware wallets
Executing transactions via hardware hot wallets
Logging all fund movements on WatchDog for transparency
Token Extensions:
DogWifHeart utilizes Solana's Token Extensions feature, implementing a transfer tax to ensure project sustainability. For a comprehensive overview of Solana token extensions, interested parties can refer to the Solana Foundation's official documentation.
Last updated